21st Anniversary Trip & Chantey Sing

We spent a great deal of time trying to recreate the above picture from our 20th Anniversary trip to Atlantic City last year. It's what I call a "Hail Mary" shot. I stuck my arm out, pointed the camera towards us and told Robi to smile. By a million to one chance it came out great! We tried several times during this year's trip to recreate the pose, I think we came close in a few. We stayed at the Chesapeake Lighthouse Bed & Breakfast, did the tourist thing in Annapolis. We saw some plebes being dropped off by their parents, unfortunately, we didn't get pictures :-( Plus, I finally got SweeteeFace to go to the Drummer's Lot Chantey Sing!

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Sweetee Face! Mobile Trip Hazard 1st attempt at a "Hail Mary" shot I hate driving west on the east bound bridge!
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Thomas Point Light is lost in the fog Panorama We stayed at the Sharps Point Light B&B 050616_153630